Thursday 3 November 2016

Micro Hypertext Essay

Warner describes the characteristics of a public sphere as being self-organized, a public relation among strangers, speech is both personal and impersonal and it is constituted simply by attention. Habermas continues by stating the public sphere is any given place where opinions are formed. And thus, individuals gathered in public spheres to discuss controversial issues because it is easily accessible by mass audiences, individuals are able to voice concerns, and it gives many various opinions (both bias and unbiased). The use of citizen media is beneficial towards the virtual public sphere because it allows audience members to join a participatory culture by becoming active members, voicing the truths about society, and sparking social change through democratized potential. 
Costanza-Chock explains the benefits of citizen media in social movements and claims that the power of citizen reporting’s promotes the exposure of various viewpoints that are unlike mainstream media, raw footage and opinions provides richer storytelling rather than CNN, a mainstream, biased, media output. Matthew Ingram discusses the potential citizen media withholds that can promote democratization of distribution which permits the incoming of news from multiple output sources at any given time.
News channels and other media outputs are unable to be at every crime scene or news story however with citizen media, individuals are telling their perspective of the story at that present time. Citizen media aids with the democratization of media by capturing evidence of powerful institutions acting unlawfully. This can hold people accountable for their actions. Often we encounter news channels that provide us with information that is framed in order to fit societal norms, alter perceptions on government and contain an abundance of bias. Citizen media encourages alternative perspectives and raw materials, which allows viewers to assume conclusions on their own terms.
Technology has imbedded itself within our everyday lives, it is routine to reach for your cellphone while coming across police brutality or actions deviant from societal norms. Technology promotes citizen media by reaching mass audiences on social platforms to recruit participants in order to drive a social change. 
Stephen Bijan suggests citizen media has developed a new common sense about race in America from a global standpoint. The #BlackLivesMatter utilizes social media platforms to transgress against corrupt authority figures and expose the injustice black people face in their daily lives. Through the viral videos of police officers unlawfully killing and hurting black people, this hashtag has raised an abundance of controversy from members of society worldwide. Similar to the Occupy Wall Street movement, this protest was a form of social activism with an open, leader-ful base. 
Therefore, the use of citizen media has greatly aided the #BlackLivesMatter movement and many others by raising awareness of an ongoing issue at a global platform that has yet to be resolved through twitter, Facebook, protests etc by exposing truths of authority corruption, altering the lived experience of Blacks, and altering society’s perceptions on race. Citizens participating in acquiring media about the BLM movement have transformed into broadcasters in the sense that they become the direct sources for information. The more exposure of injustice and stereotypes within society allows for awareness to be raised in hopes to shrink the inequality gap.

"Powerful as these videos are for mobilizing activists, they may be more powerful in bringing new participants into the racial justice movement,” – Dan Gillmor, an Arizona State University Professor.

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